Saturday, April 12, 2008

McConaughey P.I.

How did I miss this?

Garth Frankin doesn't sound too keen on the idea of Matthew McConaughey stepping into Selleck's white deck shoes, tight pants and tucked-in Hawaiian shirt...
"The character, a former Navy Seal turned reluctant detective, was previously played by Tom Selleck who was quite different (both physically and in performance style) than the "Fool's Gold" star.

Magnum isn't Magnum without the mustache, chest hair and every guy charm - the later two things McConaughey doesn't have and can't really develop."
...but I actually think it's a great idea if they're taking this thing seriously in the first place.

Personally, I'd prefer a send-up staring Jack Black in all Magnum's acid-washed, mustachioed glory. Just picture him peeling out Nacho Libra-style in that red Ferrari during the opening credits. Pure box office gold.

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