Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Get it while it's hot!

Don't forget to scramble on down to your local Denny's for a free Grand Slam until 2 p.m. today. Tell 'em Splash sent you, then leave me a tithe of flapjacks and boysenberry syrup in the comments section below.


Anonymous said...

Just shot the lines outside of Selma and Kingsburg Denny's. 30 and 45 minute wait, respectively, for a free meal.
Me? I'll skip the carefully portioned McMeals, I'll go to Klein's Truck Stop, Banta Diner or Rodeo Cafe in Clovis for a reeee-al hearty breakfast.
Asking some trucker to pass the salt. It doesn't get better than that.
CI Photog

Splash said...

45 minutes for a Grand Slam? That's just sad. I'm all for free pancakes, but gees...

We don't even have a Denny's here. We're a Perkins town. But I'm with you -- The Palace Cafe (est. 1893) is where it's at.

Anonymous said...

Check out www.selmaenterprise.com and www.kingsburgrecorder.com. If they get my submissions posted, you should see sports from last week and 2 Denny's photos.
You're better off, going to Palace Cafe.
Er, that's Perko's? Perkins. Heh, heh...

CI Photog

Splash said...

It's Perkin's, baby! Best pies this side of Marie Callender's.
