Which way to 2012?
The Republican Party is stumbling around in the dark.
I would've said "blind," but the sad fact is we're just too stupid to turn on the lights. Putting us exactly at the point the opposition was a few cycles ago when all the pundits were asking, "is the Democratic Party dead?"
Scratch that. We're even worse off, because apparently all we can come up with is this lame ass stunt to show how hip-n-with it we are.
Oh, ouch... I just realized the party of Uncle Ronnie has now become Officer Hoppy from "Sanford and Son." You remember, the dorky cracker who was always trying to talk jive and low-five all the "negro folk" to fit in. (Memo to the RNC: I couldn't even find a clip of the dude on YouTube.)
To be fair, I don't know much about Michael Steele. Maybe he's the bees knees. Hopefully, at least, we've learned our lesson about drifting to the center like we did with John McCain, and we can put that whole thing behin--
Steele, an attorney, is a conservative, but he was considered the most moderate of the five candidates running.
What, then, doth this portend?
OK... One, I don't even know what that means (we want our foes in the party??) and two, what little I can make of it suggests he's referring to obstructionists within the party. And in our party "obstructionist" is often code for "uncompromising," and that tends to mean us pesky, anti-pragmatic conservatives.[Steele] vowed to expand the reach of the party by competing for every group, everywhere.
"We're going to say to friend and foe alike: 'We want you to be a part of us, we want you to with be with us.' And for those who wish to obstruct, get ready to get knocked over," Steele said.
I don't know about you, but this website is looking better and better by the minute.